It's important to give proper care to your hair extensions; if you follow the advice below, they should last as long as possible and continue to look soft, shiny and healthy.


When brushing hair extensions, use a hair extensions loop brush.

Brush gently in a downward motion beginning at the ends of the hair, then work your way up finishing at the roots.

After brushing, spray the hair extensions with a glossifier for a silky smooth finish.


Always brush the extensions gently before washing to detangle.

Use a shampoo & conditioner that is formulated for dry or damaged hair - this will add moisture to the extensions and will keep them looking better for longer.

Gently lather shampoo until hair is clean then rinse thoroughly under warm water. Apply conditioner, leave for a minimum of 5 minutes and then rinse.

Squeeze out excess water and gently pat with a towel. Blow-dry the hair on a low setting. For best results, use an ionic hairdryer.


When swimming with your hair extensions leave your hair down or tie in a ponytail. Do not put the hair extensions in a bun.

Chlorine and salt water can dry out your hair extensions, so wash your hair as soon as possible after swimming.